
By Noor Amanda Abd Rahman ♥

Monday, June 29, 2009

first day works~

Hye there,

Lalala.Setelah sekian lama menunggu akhirnya hari ini tiba jua.Ak start keje arinie,hoping to get the enjoyable works. So, pray for me ya!For deeba, just concentrate to your study and always remember me.My bestfriend are like a fairy tales they've been there since once upon a time and will be there forever and after.<3



Sunday, June 21, 2009

super-super girl~

Thank God, I had a good life and always breathing on and on. Alhamdulilah and i always be myself, i don't care what people say and what so ever and i never let my own getting down. So, i will prove to those peeps that they're wrong.

Just want to relax my otakmotak this semester break, i don't want to think all about it because they make me freaking always. Talking about my exam marks, i already knew my semester two result last week that i've been forgotten, so far okay but a bit down pointer. So, here the marks of them.
Accounting : A minus(thanks to my pregnant lect)
Business : A minus also (new lect lolz,very strict)
Law : A (4flat huh, not bad! miss,selamat pengantin baru)
Math : A( 4flat also cuz carry marks high*kot*)
Agama : A(4flat and im muslim so no wonder)
Eng : B plus( duhh,tension)
Kokorikulum : A(4flat, it's a whole lot of choir and dancing)
The pointer is 3.81 only but hpnm 3.85 *thankful to all lect*

I had a good condition with my besfren last night so thanks frenz and don't be that rude again and again. I'm really tired to think that stupid problem.pssstt!
But almost my frenz looking good and i love them so much. To deeba,im sorry but for sure i did'nt said that out loud, just im my heart way, way deep down. i love you always coz be my good frenz.

All of them were a mess, so am i, i love them so much.

What do you expect?
lalala..always be manda.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

my beloved ones~

Assalamualaikum wbt~
Hye there..
This is my beloved bff..
oh dear,thanks for everything that you've been done for me before dis and now..
for ap2 je *ahaa*
emx,thanx also to miera,dira,zureen,piqa,nurul,nana n ieka!
a huge thanks also to poli behrang's peeps ya.
[sya,dina and jie]


stupid introduction~

assalammualaikum wbt~

The black wizard has arisen..

Okay, let me introduce myself..i'm Noor Amanda Abd Rahman. going to be 19teen soon.
Em, act xpena buat coret2 nie but to write dis blog are too hard for me..
mcm2 berlaku dlm hidupku ini but everything's perfectly fine i guess..hu2
btw, life's really sucks...


ni sorang lagi kwn baek ak also my ter'beloved frenz named missdeeba.
here a story, i woke up yesterday afternoon as usual *haha*
BUT but then i got message from my deeba that really menyakitkan hati..

everyone can have a bestfriend every 5 minutes,
but im lucky to have a bestfren for a lifetime.
