
By Noor Amanda Abd Rahman ♥

Monday, July 20, 2009

hangout with poli peeps~

Assalamualaikum wbt~

So, here 's the story about us. Best juge kuwa rmai2 ni, dah setahun bwu dapat hangout rmai2 and ade yg berkapel plak dtg..jlez towl ak.hik3. Neway,i enjoyed this hangouting and we back home late at 11pm bwu i arrived at home. We all watch skrip 7707. ngee~ even ak nih penakut but still gatal2 nk tengok juge. Enjoy-enjoy sgt2. Then, we all go to pavilion snap pic n lpak2 je.
To dina and kirin, u all da gemox duk uma 2bulan. hikhikhik. =)
Acap ngan aten berkepit je dua org..jelesjelesjeles.
dah lepas so just forget it and enjoy the day! lalalala....
Bob bring out the model huh..chantek doee.but forgot to snap her pic.x friendly la cuz die chantek kan. bob yg gatai.hax3..
To arip yg poyo..jgn nk mengatai yerr..
down here all the pic yg sempat di snap oleh semua org..kakaka.

aten & manda

dina,syasya n manda
tunggu bob beli ayam kfc..

xsbar nk mkn la tuh..

arip kew tuhh..kih3

berkepit je kapel neyh..

ieka with her boyfiee...

Friday, July 17, 2009

we're mess,love them~

cute gurls
irah with me

my beloved ayah&ibu

my lil bro zikri..

Saturday, July 4, 2009

miss them~

Herlow everyone..

Just want to say that i miss all the moment with my dear besfrenz for all the crazy yuhh. hoping they all too and i hope so darlings. One day we will meet again hangout maybe not now because all of us busy their own study and i only by myself *sad*. I hope not the sadest story of friends ya peeps..! em, to dira,saffa n all sory coz manda x keep you all pnye pixca. im so sorry yeh.If ade, i put here.

deeba & manda



Friday, July 3, 2009

feveret selena~

Hye there,
..Well, you know everything's gonna be a breeze that the end will not doubt justify the means. You oould fix any problem at the slightest ease. Yes,please..well you might find out it'll go to your head, when you write a report on a book you never read,with the snap of your fingers you can make your bed. That's what i said everything is not what it seems when you can get all you wanted in your wildestdreams. You might run into trouble if you go to extremes because everything is not what it seems when you can get what you want by the simplest of means. Be careful not to mess with the balance of things because everything is not what it seem